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We’re committed to putting the needs of people affected by cancer at the heart of everything we do. That’s why we conduct and support research which involves patients, carers and healthcare professionals.

How we involve the public in our research

We’re a member of the Charities Research Involvement Group, a sub group of the Shared Learning Group on Involvement. The aim of the main group is to encourage shared learning about patient and carer involvement between voluntary sector organisations working in the UK.

The focus of the Charities Research Involvement Group is involvement in research, where we share best practice and ideas about supporting and promoting the involvement of the public in our funded research.

The focus of the Charities Research Involvement Group is involvement in research. We currently involve patients and the public in every stage of our iGrant funding process by having our lay Research Advisory Group (RAG) made up of entirely people affected by cancer.

Our Research Network

Our Research Network is made up of over 3,000 people affected by cancer who we email on a quarterly basis telling them of any opportunities to get involved in research. Take a look at the list of opportunities available here.

This can either be as a research participant (e.g. taking part by completing a questionnaire/ being interviewed) or being actively involved in the research and potentially meet PPI (Patient and public involvement) funding requirements (e.g. identifying research priorities/developing patient information leaflets).

Join our Research Network

If you’re interested in becoming a member of our Research Network, sign up here.

Submit a research opportunity

If you would like us to include a call for public participation or involvement on our website or in our next mailing, please get in touch with to request a template.

If you or someone you love has been affected by cancer, our free Support Line is there for you. Just call 0808 808 1010