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We exist to close the gap between people affected by cancer and the care they need to cope with the realities of the disease.

Thanks to the generosity of charitable trusts and foundations across the UK, we are able to do this in some innovative and effective ways. Remarkable grants have empowered us to build three Mobile Support Units, to expand cancer callback to hospitals in many parts of Wales, and to access millions in benefits and awards to support those facing money worries on top of cancer. Such donations are routinely the difference between whether life-changing work in Wales is possible or not.

Ground-breaking gifts from charitable grant makers in the UK are so important in helping Tenovus Cancer Care to drive forward initiatives for people affected by cancer in Wales. From building and maintaining our Mobile Support Units to funding innovative posts, such awards are often the difference between whether a project happens or not. In other words, they allow us to be there for people living with cancer when they are in the most vulnerable of places and have nowhere else to turn.”

Judi Rhys, Chief Executive

How your support makes a difference

Talk to Us

We’d be delighted to hear about your charitable objectives, and to chat about the work we do in communities across the country that might align with them, and delivers the change you want to see for people living with cancer.

If you're interested in supporting Tenovus Cancer Care or would just like to know more about us, we'd love to hear from you. Call us on 029 2076 8315 or drop us a line at

Diolch / Thank you

If you or someone you love has been affected by cancer, our free Support Line is there for you. Just call 0808 808 1010