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This page contains Tenovus Cancer Care’s recent policy activity that reflects our strategic aims and policy priorities.

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These policy reports concern the issues we have prioritised. They allow us to take a wider perspective - to examine the current evidence and insight; to better understand how a problem is being addressed from across Wales and to propose better ways of working.

Losing Our Patience (Tenovus Cancer Care Manifesto 2025) - English / Cymraeg - March 2025

Tenovus Cancer Care Engaging in Political Activity Guidance (2024)

A Burning Issue: Oesophageal and stomach cancer in Wales - A Tenovus Cancer Care Briefing (2023)

Tenovus Cancer Care Report on Upper Gastrointestinal Cancers Roundtable and Recommendations (2023)

Lung cancer inequalities in Wales: Investigating the relationship between deprivation, smoking and lung cancer inequalities - Emily Heath (2022)

Lung cancer inequalities in Wales - A Tenovus Cancer Care Briefing (2022)

When Government has an idea for something they normally ask the public what they think about it. As the voice of people affected by cancer in Wales, we respond to these consultations by telling Government what we think and by doing so help to shape the policies affecting people with cancer.

We will aim to ask the All-Wales Cancer Community to inform our responses to Government consultations to ensure the views of people affected by cancer inform Government policy.

Review of the Putting Things Right process consultation – see the consultation here/see our response (May 2024) - see the consultation / see our response (May 2024)

"Unheard: Women's journey through gynaecological cancer" the Senedd health and social care committee's gynaecological cancers inquiry - read the inquiry report / read the response of the Welsh Government / read our comments on the Welsh Government's response (April 2024)

Anti racist Wales Action Plan Senedd Equality and Social Justice Committee Inquiry - see the consultation here / see our response

Draft Child Poverty Strategy for Wales, Welsh Government Consultation and Senedd Equality and Social Justice Committee Inquiry - see the consultation here, and here / see our response (September 2023)  

Health and Care Research Wales: Draft NHS Research and Development Framework consultation – see the consultation here / see our response (May 2023)

Health Committee’s call for evidence for submissions to inform the Gynaecological Cancers Inquiry – see the consultation here / see our response (March 2023)

Health and Social Care Committee’s call for evidence to inform the Endoscopy Services: Follow up Inquiry – see the consultation here / see our response (December 2022)

Developing a National Framework for Social Prescribing Consultation – see the consultation here / see our response (October 2022)

Lung Cancer Adult Screening Programme – see the consultation here / see our response

We help inform the issues and debates taking place within the Senedd Cymru, Welsh Parliament. We do this through short briefing papers, that provide the background, context to issues and proposes ways in which we can improve the outcomes and experiences of people affected by cancer.  

Unheard: Women's journey through gynaecological cancer – May 2024

Life shouldn’t be hard to swallow: Tenovus Cancer Care’s Symptom Awareness Campaign for Oesophageal & Stomach Cancer - January 2024

Less Survivable Cancers Awareness Day - January 2024

A Burning Issue: Oesophageal and stomach cancer in Wales - English / Cymraeg - November 2023

Time for Targeted Lung Cancer Screening in Wales? - Updated briefing – July 2023

Closing the Deadly Cancer Gap (Conference Briefing) – English / Cymraeg - April 2023

Improving Stomach and Oesophageal Cancer Outcomes in Wales – March 2023

The Cancer Improvement Plan for Wales 2023 – 2026 - January 2023

A New Deal for Metastatic Breast Cancer in Wales? – October 2022

Time for Targeted Lung Cancer Screening in Wales? – October 2022

Welcome to our first Support, Policy and Insight update of 2024! (Feb 2024)

Wales survival ranks among the worst in the world for deadliest cancers (Jan 2024)

Report published today into gynaecological cancers following Senedd inquiry (Dec 2023)

Judith Rowlands: A Tribute (Dec 2023)

Cancer survival in Wales: 2002 to 2020 (Nov 2023)

Missed opportunities to diagnose stomach and oesophageal cancer earlier making them among deadliest in Wales (Nov 2023)

Another step towards lung health screening in Wales – statement (Nov 2023)

Statement on latest cancer waiting times (September 2023)

Welcome to our summer Support, Policy and Insight update! (August 2023)

Time for Targeted Lung Cancer Screening (August 2023)

Ethnicity of every cancer patient in Wales must be captured to address health inequalities (June 2023)

Statement on Latest Cancer Waiting Times (May 2023)

“Concerning” and “harrowing” experiences of women revealed in  gynaecological cancer inquiry (April 2023)

Early cancer diagnosis training for primary care welcomed but will only be effective as GP surgery uptake (March 2023)

Our statement on the 2022 cancer waiting times (February 2023)

Statement from Tenovus Cancer Care in response to today’s publication of the Cancer Improvement Plan by Welsh Government (January 2023)

Delays in diagnosis for deadly cancers leading to catastrophic outcomes (January 2023)

Latest statement on Cancer Waiting Times (November 2022)

Official launch of the All-Wales Cancer Community at the Senedd (October 2022)

Tenovus Cancer Care welcomes UK National Screening Committee review on screening for lung cancer (September 2022)

Response to Calls to Produce a Cross-Government Plan to Reduce Poverty and Tackle Health Inequalities (July 2022)

People from deprived areas of Wales face worse outcomes when it comes to lung cancer, says report (June 2022)

Response to Public Health Wales study on significant reductions in cancer diagnoses during the Covid-19 pandemic (May 2022)

Tenovus Cancer Care today welcomes Welsh commitment to publish long-awaited NHS Cancer Services Action Plan (May 2022)

Lowri Griffiths joins Tenovus Cancer Care (April 2022)

A message from our CEO on lung screening (March 2022)

If you or someone you love has been affected by cancer, our free Support Line is there for you. Just call 0808 808 1010