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Thu 20 Jun 2024

Sun Shone for Summer Tea Party at the Senedd

The sun made an appearance for our annual Summer Tea with the All-Wales Cancer Community which took place at the Senedd on Wednesday 19 June.

Over a hundred people including Members of the Senedd from across the political spectrum, stakeholders, and Tenovus Cancer Care staff, joined our All-Wales Cancer Community for a cuppa and chat about cancer services in Wales.

Summer tea refreshments were served before our 60-strong Abergavenny and Merthyr Tydfil Sing with Us choir officially opened the event with a wonderful performance.

Our Chief Executive, Judi Rhys, welcomed attendees and introduced the theme of this year’s event: self-advocacy. Judi explained the importance of having a voice and speaking up for your health and the difference it can make in improving outcomes.

New online resources, informed by the All-Wales Cancer Community, were launched at the event with the aim of helping people to help themselves make better decisions concerning their health.

Guests then heard a few words from event sponsor, David Rees, MS for Aberavon & Dirprwy Lywydd, before former First Minister and MS for Cardiff West, Mark Drakeford, took to the stage. He was joined by constituent and All-Wales Cancer Community member, Mal O’Donnell.

Mal, from Ely, has been supported by Tenovus Cancer Care to develop a collection of his poetry documenting his personal and poignant experience of cancer. In a moving moment, Mark presented the book to Mal and the pair did a reading from the anthology. The book will be available at our local shops for a small donation.

The harmonious sound of the Sing with Us choir brought the formal part of the event to a close before guests enjoyed mingling over a cuppa and cake.

Our fundraising campaign ‘Tea for Ten’ was also previewed at the event, where supporters are being asked to hold a tea-party between June and August to help raise vital funds for our Counselling service.

If you would like to be part of the All-Wales Cancer Community, it couldn’t be easier to join. The more voices we have, the stronger our impact can be.

If you or someone you love has been affected by cancer, our free Support Line is there for you. Just call 0808 808 1010