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Our people are really important to us. So, we think it’s super important to help them look after their health and wellbeing so they’re happy here.

Looking after our people

The wellbeing of our people is so important to us. We know that without our people feeling well and keeping as healthy as they can we simply couldn’t do our best work. We work hard to keep everyone happy at work especially as it’s more than just a job for us here. Outside of our range of Family Friendly policies, generous holidays and focus on Health & Safety we also do our best to manage times of absence in a supportive way.

We try our best to support healthy hearts and happy minds by getting together as we’re a community – one big family. And we care. We try to be inclusive in everything we do to support people’s mental and physical health and wellbeing so they feel good.

Our commitment to look after our people

We take being responsible for all our people seriously. That’s why everything about Health & Safety, Safeguarding, Equal Opportunities and promoting Equality, Diversity and Inclusion is important to us. We simply don’t tolerate discrimination or put people in harm’s way. 

We welcome all people to join us here and we’re committed to continue to evaluate how we look after people and become more diverse and inclusive in everything that we do. For example, we don’t shy away from the fact we need to do better in recruiting a more diverse workforce, and in representing diversity across all our communication channels. And we need to be clearer in highlighting the health inequalities that persist in some communities so these are topics close to our hearts.

Why Health and Wellbeing is so important to us

We’re there for the good times, and the bad ones, ready to look out for one another. We like to talk. We like to support. We like to make sure our people are feeling the best they can and are treated right to make all the difference to the work we all do here.

Our Health and Wellbeing activities give us that warm, fuzzy feeling to make us smile. Whether that’s together virtually, in person or some other way we’re always looking for new ways we can look after each other.

What does that look like?

We have lots of different ways of being there for everyone whether that’s working or having fun. And, we’re always looking for new opportunities to communicate across our staff network and use technology where we can to do this.

So, we’ll have regular All Staff meetings from our various workplaces so we know what’s going on. We’ll involve staff in various committees, steering groups and projects to talk about things such as Health & Safety. And, we’ve a fun and inclusive Induction Programme so we can get to know each other better.

You’ll also see us doing other things like volunteering, playing footie, powering down for yoga and singing together. You’ll find our shops are happy places where you’ll see our staff and volunteers not only selling our donated stock but putting on fundraising events from doing tombolas to sponsored head shaves and sometimes wearing fancy dress and supporting our campaigns.

We’ve also got loads of other things going on to keep us happy and healthy. A taster of some of these things are:

  • A staff Friends of Tenovus Fundraising Group to help support our work
  • Social activities like virtual quizzes bowling, crazy golf, curry nights, walking, nights out and parties
  • Bring and share lunches to help get to know people better and try something new and a regular virtual down tools break so we can catch up!

As well as our social side, we’ve a range of extra ways we can offer support to staff and volunteers

  • We’ve trained Mental Wellness Helpers to be a listening ear for when times are tough and our mental health dips
  • Access to financial advice and support for staff going through tough financial times
  • Support for staff affected by cancer through our ‘Someone Like Me’ volunteer programme. This is where colleagues who’ve been through it can offer an extra bit of care and support

You’ll also see us doing other things like volunteering, playing footie, powering down for yoga and singing together. Change to You’ll also see us doing other things like volunteering, fundraising and getting together socially.

If you or someone you love has been affected by cancer, our free Support Line is there for you. Just call 0808 808 1010