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Meet Bethan.

Bethan received support from Tenovus Cancer Care Nurses and Benefits Advisors after being diagnosed with breast cancer when she was just 26 years old

Two years ago, Beth, from Port Talbot, was living her best life and excitedly planning her wedding day with fiancé Sam.

The couple had also just welcomed a new addition to their family – a Golden Retriever puppy they named Sabine and doted upon.

Beth was loving her job as a senior recruitment manager in the care sector and hoping for promotion.

A talented singer, she was also performing regularly to packed venues.

Then her life came crashing down.

Out of the blue, doctors told her she had a cancerous tumour on her right breast which was invasive and likely to spread quickly. She was just 26 years old.

I remember my stomach dropped, my jaw and throat tightened up and I felt like crying.

I remember grabbing Sam’s hand and we looked at each other and smiled, as if to reassure each other, as if to say we are going to get through this.”

The impact of the shock diagnosis was massive on the young couple in the prime of their lives.

The previous summer, Beth had made an appointment with her GP after noticing a dimple on her right breast while working out at the gym.

She describes it as like the “dimples on some people’s cheeks when they smile.”

At first, she’d thought it was simply cellulite but then she felt a lump and knew she had to make an appointment with her doctor to get it checked out.

Her GP wasn’t too concerned though. After an examination, her opinion was that the lump was a cyst, but offered Beth an ultrasound “to be on the safe side.”

Beth then had a scan followed by a biopsy. It was then consultants diagnosed breast cancer and advised the shocked bride-to-be to have a lumpectomy followed by radiotherapy.

Later tests revealed the tumour on Beth’s breast was fed by hormones and they also recommended chemotherapy. That was when her consultant raised the question of Beth’s fertility - something she hadn’t considered up to that point.

Beth and Sam had planned to have children together one day, but the consultant said the chemotherapy might take that chance away. It was a further blow for the young couple.

Sam and I were struggling. We kept telling each other it was going to be okay, and we’d caught it early - we’d freeze some eggs and smash the chemo. I knew I had to have the chemo.

There came a point when we had to allow ourselves to let it all sink in. We had a counsellor. She helped us to connect with the sadness and bewilderment we were both feeling at the time.”

The next month, surgeons removed the tumour and several lymph nodes. Once Beth had recovered from the op, the invasive process of egg freezing began.

I had to give myself three injections a day for three weeks. It was intense and exposing.

I felt like I didn’t have any dignity left. Then the chemotherapy began.”

At one point, Beth was so ill with sepsis and pneumonia she needed to spend a week in hospital.

Throughout Beth’s treatment, nurses from Tenovus Cancer Care were calling and checking in and our Benefits Advisors signposted her to the right benefits.

Beth was reluctant to stop work, but it came to a point where she had to sign off sick. She was entitled to statutory sick pay and PIP (Personal Independence Payment), but it was still a big drop in income.

Sam had to work longer hours to make up the shortfall and there were times he returned home after a 12-hour shift to find Beth so ill he had to take her into hospital.

Cancer has been hard for me to accept. It just feels so unfair. I do feel as though part of my life has been robbed.

On my worst days, I’m completely heartbroken, grieving the life I should be having so young. But I do have a laugh with Sam, and we have date nights at home.

Our puppy, Sabine, has also kept me going. She’s my company when Sam is out and makes me laugh too. It’s important to keep laughing.”

Now turned 28, Beth is looking forward to a future beyond cancer. She has gone back to work part-time and taking one step at a time.



Sam and I have become closer and more honest with each other. It is a process of acceptance. I’m not forcing myself to do anything quickly.

Tenovus Cancer Care has helped massively during the most difficult times.

My body is different, and I must learn how to live again. It’s hard when you don’t feel like yourself anymore.

Singing is my passion and I’m determined to be back on that stage again doing what I love to do. I will get my life back.”

Explore the signs and symptoms of breast cancer

If you or someone you love has been affected by cancer, our free Support Line is there for you. Just call 0808 808 1010