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End Date Sept 2023

Complete Wales Cancer Network’s survey to help them meet the needs of people affected by cancer.

Cancer Type





Anyone affected by cancer, and their carers


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Meeting the Needs of People affected by cancer and Cancer Key Worker Survey

This survey is being conducted by the Wales Cancer Network, which is part of the NHS Wales Health Collaborative, an organisation that is hosted by Public Health Wales. We are seeking the views of people that have been affected by cancer and their carers, in Wales.

Your views will help us understand the ways in which we can improve meeting the needs of people affected by cancer, and help us to shape the role of the cancer key worker in Wales for the future. All responses to this questionnaire will be kept strictly confidential and we will not be asking for any information that could identify you.

When we use the words “needs and concerns”, this could include:

Physical concerns e.g., pain, tiredness, bowel or bladder problems. Emotional concerns e.g., fear o cancer coming back or the effect of cancer on your relationship. Practical concerns e.g., managing housework or driving. Financial concerns e.g., worried about paying bills. Spiritual needs e.g., faith and spirituality.

The concerns we have listed above are only a guide. Not everything listed here will apply to you, e.g., you may have had other concerns that are not listed.

When we use the term Key Worker we are referring to a person who you can contact and who takes a key role in co-ordinating your care, providing you with information and advice throughout your cancer experience e.g., nurse, support worker, dietitian, or speech and language therapist.

Your answers are anonymous, and we will use, manage, and store all data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018 currently used in the UK. No personal identifiable data is being collected for the purposes of this survey.  The deadline for this opportunity is September 2023.

Thank you for giving your time to take part, we really value your views and comments.


Privacy Notice:

To access the survey, please follow this link:

Meeting the Needs of People affected by cancer and Cancer Key Worker (



Diwallu Anghenion Pobl yr effeithir arnynt gan ganser ac Arolwg Gweithwyr Allweddol Canser

Mae’r arolwg hwn yn cael ei gynnal gan Rwydwaith Canser Cymru, sy’n rhan o Gydweithredfa Iechyd GIG Cymru, sefydliad sy’n cael ei gynnal gan Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru. Rydym yn ceisio barn pobl sydd wedi cael eu heffeithio gan ganser a’u gofalwyr, yng Nghymru.

Bydd eich barn yn ein helpu i ddeall y ffyrdd y gallwn wella'r broses o ddiwallu anghenion pobl y mae canser yn effeithio arnynt, a'n helpu i lunio rôl y gweithiwr canser allweddol yng Nghymru ar gyfer y dyfodol. Bydd yr holl ymatebion i’r holiadur yn cael eu cadw’n gwbl gyfrinachol ac ni fyddwn yn gofyn am unrhyw wybodaeth a allai ddatgelu pwy ydych.

Pan fyddwn yn defnyddio’r geiriau “anghenion a phryderon”, gallai hyn gynnwys:

Pryderon corfforol e.e., poen, blinder, problemau gyda'r coluddyn neu'r bledren. Pryderon emosiynol e.e., ofn canser yn dychwelyd neu effaith canser ar eich perthynas. Pryderon ymarferol e.e., rheoli gwaith tŷ neu yrru. Pryderon ariannol e.e., poeni am dalu biliau. Anghenion ysbrydol e.e., ffydd ac ysbrydolrwydd.

Canllaw yn unig yw'r pryderon a restrwyd gennym uchod. Ni fydd popeth a restrir yma yn berthnasol i chi, e.e., efallai eich bod wedi cael pryderon eraill nad ydynt wedi'u rhestru.

Pan fyddwn yn defnyddio’r term Gweithiwr Allweddol rydym yn cyfeirio at berson y gallwch eu gysylltu, sy’n cymryd rôl allweddol sydd yn gydlynu eich gofal, gan ddarparu gwybodaeth a chyngor i chi drwy gydol eich profiad o ganser e.e., nyrs, gweithiwr cymorth, dietegydd, neu therapydd lleferydd ac iaith.

Mae eich atebion yn ddienw, a byddwn yn defnyddio, rheoli ac yn storio’r holl ddata yn unol â Rheoliad Diogelu Data Cyffredinol (GDPR) 2018 a ddefnyddir yn y DU. Nid oes unrhyw ddata personol adnabyddadwy yn cael ei gasglu at ddibenion yr arolwg hwn.

Diolch i chi am roi amser i gymryd rhan, rydym yn gwerthfawrogi eich barn a'ch sylwadau.


Hysbysiad Preifatrwydd:

I gael mynediad i’r arolwg, dilynwch un o’r dolenni canlynol:


If you or someone you love has been affected by cancer, our free Support Line is there for you. Just call 0808 808 1010