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End Date Mar 2025

Discussion of I-Prehab education for healthcare workers working with people with cancer

Cancer Type





Anyone affected by cancer, and their carers

What do participants need to do: Group discussion
How long will it take? 1hr 30 minutes
Will participants get paid? Yes, £20 Love to Shop shopping voucher
Is this for research, policy or services? Research 
Who can take part? Anyone affected by cancer, and their carers
Deadline: 12 March 
Location: Grange Pavillion, Grangetown, Cardiff, CF11 7LJ

The I-Prehab research team are currently developing training for healthcare professionals on how to make prehabilitation for people with cancer more inclusive. They would be very grateful for feedback on this from patients, family members or friends of someone with a cancer diagnosis.

They plan to run a discussion workshop at Grange Pavilion, Cardiff on Friday 14 March from 11.30 - 1pm. The workshop will last for 90 minutes, and you will be offered a £20 shopping voucher as a thank you for your time and involvement in the workshop. Travel expenses will also be paid.

This is an NIHR funded project being carried out by Cardiff University. You can read more about the project here

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