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End Date Feb 2023

Share your thoughts on giving consent to the Wales Cancer Biobank

Cancer Type





Anyone who has had, or has cancer

The Wales Cancer Biobank (WCB) asks patients in Wales if they would donate biosamples and data to the biobank for future, cancer related research. Giving WCB permission to collect samples and data is called ‘giving consent’ and WCB is keen to hear the opinions of patients and the public around the consent process for biobanking.
Whether or not you have kindly consented to donate samples and data to a biobank, your thoughts are really important and WCB would like to learn more about how you feel, or think you might feel, about consenting for biobanking.

WCB are supported by a small but excellent patient group, but expanding the patient voice remains crucially important to WCB and the researchers with whom they work. With that in mind the WCB would be very grateful if you could answer a short questionnaire about consent by clicking here. The questionnaire has 10 questions, and it should take you no more than 10 minutes to complete.
An ethics committee has reviewed and approved the survey and by clicking on the link and completing the survey you consent to the Wales Cancer Biobank collecting the data you provide when answering the questions.

If you or someone you love has been affected by cancer, our free Support Line is there for you. Just call 0808 808 1010