What do participants need to do: Try out the tool and then answer some questions
How long will it take? 40-60 minutes
Will participants get paid? No
Who can take part? Adults who live in South East Wales and have past experience of cancer themselves or of having previously cared for a loved one with cancer
Location: Participants can be visited by a researcher in their homes or participants can come to Heath Park Campus, Cardiff University
One complication of advanced cancer is blood clots, so patients are often given blood thinning medication, which can in turn cause bleeding.
Making a decision about whether or not to continue taking blood thinning medication for the last months of their lives can be stressful and confusing, and the SERENITY study team have designed an app to help people to make this decision alongside their doctor.
They are looking for people over the age of 18 who live in South East Wales and have some experience of cancer and cancer services. If you take part, you can either go to the Heath Park campus in Cardiff or a researcher will come to your home and they will ask you to look through the app on a mobile device and talk to them about what your opinions of it.
They are going to use the findings of this work to make improvements to the app tool to get it ready to test with patients with cancer next spring, before it gets used in a large European and UK trial of patients with advanced cancer.
To find out more about taking part please contact edwardsm28@cardiff.ac.uk