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Giving in memory is a lasting way of celebrating your loved one's life and honouring their legacy while giving help, hope and a voice to everyone affected by cancer. 

When someone we love passes away, supporting a cause close to their hearts can be a positive and meaningful way to commemorate them.

Whether you'd like to make a one-off gift or create a lasting tribute, there are a number of ways to support our vital work in memory of a friend or family member.

Every tribute is special, just like the person it celebrates

We are here to support you every step of the way

How Giving in Memory makes a difference 

  • £50 could help our Support Line nurses provide information and offer advice and information to someone who has been affected by cancer
  • £100 could support the running costs of one of our 16 Sing with Us choirs across Wales
  • £250 could support our Advisors to help people affected by cancer access the benefits and grants they're entitled to
  • £500 could cover the cost of a series of counselling sessions for someone affected by cancer to help explore the wide range of feelings and emotions that come with a diagnosis
  • £1,000 could help fund the cost of a cancer treatments on board our Mobile Support Units


Want to explore other ways of supporting us?

If you or someone you love has been affected by cancer, our free Support Line is there for you. Just call 0808 808 1010