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Oct 2018 -Jun 2022

Dissecting the biomolecular role of Bcl3 in breast cancer metastasis and the design of new interaction inhibitors


Rochelle Ahmed



Funding Amount



Dr Dafydd Jones

Cancer Type


Funding Type




Research Type



The first step to producing a new drug or cancer therapy is to identify the correct target(s) responsible for causing or spreading the disease. This means that we require information of each of the components within our body that interacts with one another and contributes towards disease progression. Whilst there are multiple methods to obtain this information, the student has identified one specific interaction that cannot effectively be monitored with current techniques. 


Rochelle has demonstrated the potential of a novel approach to monitor a currently inaccessible interaction. This will enhance our knowledge of how components interact with one another within our bodies and can be used to identify those that contribute towards cancer. 


This will provide new information about each of the components in the body that are responsible for the cause/spread of cancer. With this knowledge, a previously unknown drug target can be identified and used for the design and production of new treatments. 

The student will need to optimise this method for its use before it is trialled within human cells. 

Rochelle and her supervisor told us: “This research wouldn’t have been financially possible if it wasn’t for the funding provided by Tenovus Cancer Care. The discoveries we’ve made and advancements within the scientific field would never have been achieved without your continued support. I want to thank the many volunteers and staff that work so hard to ensure this life changing research can continue. It has been great working and interacting with Tenovus Cancer Care” 

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