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Our people are really passionate about what they do and the difference they make

We’re an organisation that wants to thrive on diversity and inclusion and like a family we’re all different. 

Our values are at the heart of how we do things and we’re committed to become more diverse and inclusive in everything that we do, in growing our family because our people matter.

We employ people with a wide range of skills, knowledge, professional qualifications and experience, who help us achieve our strategic aims. 

Meet our Leadership Team 

Meet our Board of Directors

With thanks to our fantastic Board of Directors. They volunteer their time and help guide the charity with their expertise and experience. 

Tracey Burke (Chair)
Dr Chris Thomson (Vice Chair)
Tim Finch
Huw George
Natasha de Terán
Prof. Jane B Hopkinson
Caroline Bovey BEM
Dr Lucy Swithenbank
Alun Lloyd

Interested in joining us at Tenovus Cancer Care?

If you or someone you love has been affected by cancer, our free Support Line is there for you. Just call 0808 808 1010