Talking about any illness can be difficult, especially at work, but it can be an important way of getting the support that you are entitled to.
For employees and individuals
If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with cancer, you may need to take time off work. Your company will have their own policies about how much time you may take, and whether you will still receive a salary, but there are laws in place to protect you. You are legally protected at work from unfair treatment as a result of a cancer diagnosis.
Talk to your manager and your HR team, if you have one, to work out the best course of action. Depending on your treatment plan, you may or may not need to take time off.
There are benefits and entitlements if your income is affected either because you have cancer or you are taking time off from work to care for a loved one.
If you are self-employed you should be able to access financial help when you cannot work. Self-employed people cannot generally access sick-pay, but you could be entitled to start claiming an income replacement benefit. For more advice on work and cancer click here.
For employers
If one of your employees has been diagnosed with cancer, is caring for, or has lost a loved one to cancer, it’s likely they’ll need additional support, and possibly time off from work. Reasonable adjustments must be considered for those affected by cancer.
It’s important to talk to your staff member and make sure they’re aware of your company’s policies and procedures with regards to sick pay and compassionate leave.
Schemes like flexible working, unpaid leave and extended time off from work can help make the process easier. If you're an employer and want more advice on work and cancer, click here.
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